The Conceptual Model of the Impact of Gambling
Gambling is a popular leisure time activity in most countries. However, it has major social and economic impacts not only on the gambler, but also on his/her significant others and the society as a whole.
Many people think that gambling is a problem and that it can lead to serious problems such as depression, addiction, and even suicide. It is also a dangerous activity because of the potential for harm to the gambler, his/her family and friends, and the society at large.
Benefits of gambling
Those who play casino games and bet on sports believe that gambling has a positive effect on their lives and can reduce stress. The activity can give a bettor a sense of achievement and it can also improve their moods by releasing the feel-good hormone dopamine, which helps to boost their happiness levels.
In addition, it can bring a social aspect to a person’s life by fostering interactions with other gamblers and making them more aware of the community. Moreover, it can provide an outlet for individuals who struggle with depression or anxiety.
It can contribute to the economy by attracting tourism and tax revenues that can help local communities. It can also provide employment opportunities for local residents.
The impact of gambling is usually assessed on a temporal level, which means that the development, severity and scope of the impact are considered. The temporal levels are general impacts (recreational and at-risk gamblers), the impacts of problem gambling, and long-term impacts of gambling.
These impact levels can be categorized into financial, labor and health, and well-being classes. These class structures can be analyzed in a conceptual model.
This conceptual model is an attempt to structuralize the impact of gambling in a way that can be used as a base for developing a common methodology for assessing the effects of gambling. It can help researchers and policy makers to compare the benefits and costs of different gambling policies.
While some studies have created basic principles for conducting impact studies, a theoretical model is currently lacking. The model is based on the fact that the impacts of gambling can be categorized into three classes: financial, labor and health, and well-being. The model also identifies the personal, interpersonal, and societal levels in which these classes manifest.